Painting with joy — Art Battle Toronto
I have always wanted to compete but I felt intimidated by the idea of competing with professional BIG artists!
For 2 years I worked with helping Art Battle team in organising competitions, in every single one of these events, I have observed and paid close attention to each winning artist. I would come in early and finish my shift early so that I could have the time to talk to the winning artists of each battle and ask for their insight. One of them told me to not use colour black it would be hard to fix, another told me to practice, practice and practice before the competition.. However one champion told me the secret recipe which is that he smiled no matter how nervous he felt.
January 2015 at Art Battle 211, Toronto. I did it! I made my dream come true I participated in the art battle and competed with professional artists. I felt intimidated by painting and being watched by hundreds of people and press. But I smiled anyway and I pulled off ‘fantastic performance’ as some described it. I felt like all I had was my passion and love of art to share and off course I remembered to smile. I guess people could see that and felt connected to my painting and voted for it to win.! I won the first round!
My painting made it to the finals and it was the highest bid for the night! WooHoo!
Success was not coincidence it was hard work meeting an opportunity.
I volunteered with Art Battle Toronto for 2 years. I met every single winner and I asked what worked for them. The painting (is it a nightmare or hope) was featured in Toronto star.
Nothing has to make sense. Persistence and passion can get you anywhere ❤
Originally published at